Play in PingTung限時限量
博客來書店 Embark on a southbound jourmey, playing along the way
Play under the sunshine, on the high mountains, play in the ocean, in the bay and enjoy the warm hospitality of the countryside, there is no itinerary, no rush. Therefore you can take your time and soak up the laid-back atmosphere.
Playing is to enjoy the picturesque scenery and melodious turns throughout your jourmey, and to appreciate the feeling of total freedom.
Bring along your most casual mood and listen to your favorite music, let’s head south in Taiwan, and along the way, we will sing merrily and travel unhurriedly. Pingtung here we come!
- 新功能介紹 作者: 屏東縣政府觀光傳播處
- 出版社:屏東縣政府 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2014/10/01
- 語言:英文
股票線路圖形 | 股市的飆空爭鬥 | 小型績優成長股 | 普通股賺大錢 | ||||
K線圖大趨勢 | K線圖技術指標 | 四季股票K線 | 債券市場理論與實務 | ||||
證券發行實務精華 | 周易與股票預測 | 新股市絕學(3)主力在說話 | K線理論 | ||||
台灣股票市場 | 海峽兩岸股票市場比較研究初探 | 投資分析 | 證券投資技術分析 |
給金融新鮮人的16堂課 | 王力群的股市形態學 | ||
巨波投資法- 當市場行情出現時,你準備好了嗎- | 盤勢判讀的技巧 | ||
第一次股票低買高賣就上手(技術面+籌碼篇) | 第一次當日沖銷就上手 | ||
向股票市場要退休金:戰勝股市漲跌的致富寶典 | 股市解碼:破解股市密碼,直通法人金庫 |
Play in PingTung限時限量
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